
Sunday, April 14, 2019

Facebook on Fritz

After avoiding FB for a month and returning rationed to three half days a week, my computer expressed no Fear of Missing Out by failing to load my homepage.  My login was not recognized.  My homepage would either have a Welcome Message, as if I were a new user or display two or three posts but no more.  All my other pages are fine.  Occasionally my home page will also scroll correctly.  My tablet and smartphone do not have this problem so I can access but not type effectively.  I suppose I can use the library's computer if I need to but do I need to?

One of my favorite biographies was that of Reb Yaacov Kamenetsky, perhaps the greatest sage who ever lived in my home town.  We overlapped there my final two years of high school but I never met him, though one of my rabbi's knew him as headmaster of his school.  It seems Reb Yaacov always rode in an American car produced by a UAW member on a Monday morning after a debauched weekend.  His car could be counted on to break down at some point en route from Brooklyn or Monsey to his summer camp in the Catskills.  He never cussed out the union people like I did with a similar car.  The unexpected time of breakdown were part of a divine plan in his mind to give him some down time without his students or some dedicated time with his driver or others in the car.

If i cannot be as full a FB participant as I had in mind, opportunities of better sites to visit are not at all hard to imagine, though maybe take a little dedication to pursue.

Image result for non-functioning facebook

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