
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Seasonal Chill

Winter clothing gets exchanged each year on October 1.  That date is arbitrary but easy to remember.  It's a reasonable match to the weather, though never a perfect one.  This year the need for long sleeves arrived little before and summer shorts have not been worn since a heat wave crossed Paris during my visit there a few weeks back.  I keep a few out of season items aside in anticipation of a variation between calendar and forecast.  Some long sleeve shirts on hangers in the closet though the no-iron knits remain in the storage duffle until the change of month arrives next week.

I personally like the early chill.  Even with some rain, or maybe especially with some rain, there is an element of refreshment.  I have a couple of nylon windbreakers just right for this circumstance.  With the Holy Days and Sukkot, I spend more time in the synagogue, which also means a sports coat and occasionally my last properly fitting suit.  Sandals go into storage with other summer things in favor of sturdier shoes, as I am not anticipating vacationing in anyplace warm before next spring.  Bought a pair of New Balance cross-training shoes which will become staples, and need some minor repair on my disappointing Sperry Topsiders which also function as go with most things basics.

I never put outerwear into storage.  But I do at the start of needing some gather mine in one section of the downstairs closet.  They get arrayed roughly by how cold it must be to justify wearing each jacket or coat.  Each coat has a cap and gloves in its pockets.  The hats and scarves for very cold situations stay in an upstairs box, usually tapped into once or twice a season when only a Peruvian Wool Hat with ear extensions will do.

So just a windbreaker today.

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