
Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Winter Plants

Inventory of what I will try to sustain through the cold, mostly indoors, is complete.  Herbs stay outside if above freezing, inside to avoid the frost.  I have active leaves of sage, rosemary, spearmint, and basil.  In chia pots, parsley seems to be taking hold.  New seeds for chives and basil.  And I planted six pods of aerogarden, don't remember what, but they are labelled. I also have a Bonsai sprig that needs to get six inches tall before transplanting to a larger pot.  And in a small box there are seeds for another Bonsai that I can prepare in the refrigerator according to package instructions. Check on Tuesdays and Fridays for the indoor plants. Daily weather report for the herb pots.

I don't know why my indoor plants never seem to look like the indoor herb gardens that the TV chefs snip in their home kitchens when they need aromatic leaves.  Maybe they aren't.  Perhaps they go to a nursery the day before a TV shoot, buy something flourishing there, and bring it to the kitchen for the camera to capture the cook harvesting.  TV Land has a way of making somebody else's reality better than mine.

But for now I have some chance of enjoying some home herbs in my own kitchen before spring arrives.

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