
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Asleep Atop Bedspread

I never tucked myself in.  When my internal clock awoke me at about 2AM, as it usually does, I had no recollection of the hours that preceded it.  Likely four hours, from my habitual nightly activity.  And I had changed into nightclothes.  I remember putting a hard-cover book checked out of the public library earlier that day onto the floor beside the bed.  Nothing else.

I fall asleep readily most nights, sometimes after using my smartphone when I shouldn't, sometimes after reading, though most commonly taking a supine position with dangling elements of the cumulative day's thoughts for a short time.  Sleep tracker use invariably puts my sleep onset time at about fifteen minutes from the time I turned on the app, placing the phone to my right.  I do not remember using the phone, although on my second nightly wakening I found it next to me with its light off.

At 2AM, awakened for no obvious purpose though always a convenient bladder emptying opportunity, I strolled to the bathroom and back.  I likely turned the bathroom light on and off, as it was off when I returned at my usual 7AM wake time.  When I returned, I realized that I had not removed the upper pillow with its sham that matched the bedspread.  I dislike that pillow.  It leaves my head too high.  Before tucking myself under the down comforter, I invariably place it next to the bed, where I had placed the library book.  And the cell phone either goes in the charger, where it should have gone based on its battery level, or on a ledge behind my bed.  It remained atop the bedspread, as did I.

My next awareness came after 5 AM, as it often does, with a target arise time of 7AM.  Now for the first time I realized that I fallen asleep atop the bedspread with cell phone at my side.  Sensing no need to get under the blanket, and with my preferred pillow securely beneath my head, I relocated the phone to its customary place on the wooden landing behind me.  Then a final snooze with some clock watching resuming at 6:30AM.  I arose at my appointed daily hour, not feeling dragged for having missed my blanket the entire night.

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