
Monday, December 23, 2024

Sharing a Bug

It's not often that I postpone a scheduled platelet donation, but I did,  For the safety of the recipients, many of whom are immunosuppressed or on chemotherapy, the donor center asks people not to come when ill.  While haven't registered a fever with my home thermometer, chills have taken hold.  I spent last night sleeping in a recliner so my cough does not disturb my wife, whose symptoms predated mine by one day.  To stay warm, I've huddled in a blanket, afforded myself a few minutes in a steamy shower, then returned to the down comforter.  I arose twice in addition to shower and bathroom needs.  The cat needed,  care.  I needed calories.  My wife has not arisen from bed all day.  Her cough has evolved to productive.

Other than the chills, maybe slight nausea, and an intensely exaggerated disgust sensation that usually appears when I open wet cat food, I don't feel that badly.  Not achy except in calves.  No rigors.  A cough with scant production. No chest or abdominal pain.  It was a treadmill day.  Not wise.

I assume my wife and I share the same illness, time shifted by one day.  It gives me a small heads up for tomorrow's expectation.  No platelet donation.  I'll decide if I can venture to the supermarket to get a few things for Hanukkah.  And very iffy for the synagogue's Hanukkah/Christmas Chinese Food and a Movie.

Priority:  maximize recovery.

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