
Monday, January 28, 2013

Quiet Weekend

Needed to chill so I made excuses to pretty much stay home this weekend.  I had a shul obligation as Ba-al Shacharit which got me there a little earlier than usual and the Rabbi began his class on Nevi'im afterwards which kept me there a little later than usual.  I had what has become my weekly landmark, a real breakfast on Shabbos morning.  By mid-afternoon I felt worn out, maybe in need of a nap but not sleepy so I treated myself to a Dollar Store benadryl aqua colored capsule which kept me in snooze-land for the next five hours.  Then some reading and TV or other not too taxing but not too productive tasks, then a full night's sleep so I could do useful projects on Sunday, which I did, though less than intended.

To prevent dreadful Mondays at work I decided some time ago that if four new consults came my way by mid-day Sunday, I would drive to the hospital to see them.  That did not happen this time so I could work on a blend of chores, sloth, and amusements until the new work week begins.  Dishes done.  Surface of kitchen table visible.  List of things I need to do in the coming week created.  Set out weekly pills.  Clothing that accumulated in kitchen put away.  Listened to a brief drash on  And a similar list of things I might have liked to do but didn't and should have done but didn't.

So now having unwound when I needed to unwind, I am ready to see what actually awaits me in the hospital and pursue the list that I put together yesterday.

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