
Friday, September 10, 2021

Replacing Stuff

This week I accumulated something of a petty shopping list, as things have broken or gotten used up.

  1. Flossers:  To get myself to habitually floss after tooth brushing, I've replaced extended floss with individual flossers.  This has kept me on track 100% of the time.  They come in packets of 60-90 either from the Dollar Store or Shop-Rite.  They travel well.  But every few months they run out
  2. Bread: Usually no shortage, though in anticipation of travel I used up virtually all that I had.  As part of my weight control initiative, a very successful one, I've gotten more selective about what bread I purchase.  Trader Joe's offers the best, either pumpernickel or sourdough as the sliced bread, a package of bagels, a package of English muffins, and occasionally pita, with mini-challot for shabbos that they discontinued so I now have to get someplace else.
  3. Coffee Creamer: My desire to lighten coffee has gone through phases.  Milk works well but has a short shelf-life.  Sometimes I will get heavy cream for something else and splash the leftovers into coffee.  For a long time, I would get liquid creamer which lasts a long time.  I like the flavoring, don't like the pre-sweetening.  What has worked best for me has been powdered creamer which I can get at the Dollar Store.  It lasts a long time.  In a pinch, I will save a packet or two of powdered creamer from an airline or fast food and store that, but Dollar Store seems to offer the best combination of price, convenience and utility.
  4. Lasagna Pan: I forgot to oil it, leaving a burnt on coating that even steel wool could not remove.  Cleaning it became more trouble than it's worth.  Just get a new one.  Measured it as 9x13 inches.  There are 10x14 inch options, but I think commercial lasagna noodles seem to be cut for the smaller size.
  5. Headphone: These cost about $5 each and break.  I sat on my current pair.  The earpiece coating dislodged, which I glued back.  However, it was the side that remained intact that no longer transmit sounds.  Do I need them?  While ear buds tend to be my preference, earphones with a microphone work better for Zoom sessions.
  6. Coffee Pods: I like to have two different kinds, even though I have plastic baskets that will allow brewing in my Mr. Coffee ersatz k-cup machine from any bulk ground coffee if it's not too finely ground.  Now that I am a Costco member again, I get a good buy on bulk coffee as the daily baseline.  The second often comes from the Shop-Rite promotion the week I am there or from the Christmas Tree Shop which discounts boxes ranging from 42-96 pods depending on brand and flavor varieties.  For Melitta cone or French press I will treat myself to higher end bulk coffee.  For K-cups, I go cheap.
  7. Redeem B&H Gift Certificate:  I received this for my birthday.  After puttering on their site episodically I decided to redeem it for a movie camera costing just the right amount, applicable to my desire to try creating a YouTube presence.  I went to redeem the gift card and the camera I had my sights on disappeared from their selections.  I'll give it another go next month.
Shopping Rounds.  One and Done.

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