
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Calling In Sick

My Daily Task List, saturated with the Get Me Ahead, will need to take what I hope is a one day snooze.  My Covid booster got a week overdue.  Now, the Influencers from the synagogue could have sent be back to the parking lot, but for the last two Saturday mornings I was pretty useful to them.  And they have no way of tracking who is up to date with the congregational policy of up to date immunizations as a precondition for attendance.  There is still some Covid floating around, though the deadly form seems to have gone the way of cholera, plague, and influenza meltdowns through history.  Still, catching up on my immunization seemed prudent.  I picked a day and time.  After a rather pleasant Open House at OLLI, I braved the rain and drove to the Super G Pharmacy as a walk-in.  No problem accommodating me.  Within a short time, my left deltoid had been punctured with Moderna's latest.

About five hours later, shortly after supper, I realized that not only had I taken something, but that my innards had been primed to generate cytokines.  My arm got sore.  I got edgy.  I felt a little warm, though not feverish.  And nausea.  And no end of systemic symptoms, from sore muscles to unsteadiness of gait.  I toughed it out until my usual bedtime but could not get comfortable.  Eventually I must have dozed, at least until 2AM, then spent the rest of the night looking at the red numerals on the clock radio, experimenting with postures.  I felt thirsty.  So thirsty that I went downstairs to the kitchen and brought my best insulated water bottle to my bedside, sipping it a few more times during the night.  By my customary wake time, those cytokine symptoms were still dragging me to unsteadiness.  Coffee not only did not help, but my customary k-cup brand did not taste right.  Back to bed.  It would take until late morning for those systemic symptoms to abate.  No treadmill today.  No petty errands.  Effectively a loss-leader of a night and following morning.

While the innards feel better, the deltoid injection site does not.  That will have to wait another day.

And the ultimate irony.  My incentive for getting the injection was to maintain the honor system of eligibility to attend shabbos services at my congregation.  And I'm really looking forward to not being there the next two Saturday mornings.

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