
Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Inclement Weather

My area is part of a storm sandwich.  Schools closed, or at least officials very concerned to the south.  Closures already announced to the north and real concern along the coastal cities to the northeast.  I never revived my snow blower, hand shoveling two minor accumulations last month.  And this time I can expect a lot of rain, or so the official prediction.  I looked out the window, however, to find a coating of snow.  Not a lot, but more than the zero the weather radar anticipated.  I've not heard from OLLI.  It must be a dilemma for them, as they function on-site in three locations, all part of that sandwich pattern, and conduct a lot of remote courses.  And the people who attend, and teach, are all seniors, some with mobility or steadiness concerns.  Parking lots need to be cleared, surfaces coated to make them less slippery irrespective of the accumulation.  The campus has an enormous number of handicap designated parking spaces to reflect the needs of those in attendance.  The main parking lot requires a minor uphill walk to get to the classes and the secondary lot a longer, steeper return from classes.  It makes for a difficult decision by the people who run the place.  No word yet.  

It's a treadmill day.  One with the time shifted earlier to allow me to make it to my 9AM class.  I will exercise like I need to, then reassess this morning's travel.

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