
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Too Irritable

Most things have gone my way of late, better than for others it seems.  I feel well except for some nagging lower thoracic discomfort.  I sleep pretty well.  I don't miss the groceries I stopped buying.

But I've also gotten restless of mind and of physical position.  Things irritate me more than they should.  I snoozed my synagogue in protest, asking nothing in return from them.  My FB friends have gotten a little out of hand with not moving on from what for most were disappointing election results.  One OLLI course bores me a little, though I remain polite.  I want to go somewhere else, but not where I actually drive to.

Obligations get fulfilled very easily, though.  I make dinner, have been doing my scheduled treadmill session increasingly early, get up at the appointed time, tend to my indoor plants without fail. My scheduled reading proceeds to expectation most days.

But as much as I want a better level of connectedness, maybe even some appreciation, it doesn't arrive and its absence annoys me, and I probably don't deserve it.  

Amid the irritation, though, the screen and where it connects remains my loyal friend.

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