
Friday, December 14, 2018

Kitchen Mishap

My right ring finger has been bandaged about a week following some latke oil that splashed on my right had when inserting a new patty.  I got what I thought would be first and second degree burns of two fingers of my right hand, mainly the interdigital area that hurt but subsided with cold water, only to discolor like a bad sunburn the following day.  The initially painful parts healed but I went on to get skin breakdown with minor ulceration over the middle finger and what appears to be a third degree burn over the dorsum of the proximal interphalangeal joint of my right ring finger.  Some neosporin and band-aids of good quality have promoted healing with avoidance of obvious infection but the ulcerated area has not yet closed.  Moreover, I assume the cutaneous nerves are regenerating as well since the area has become painful.  I've been taking ibuprofen or naproxen for my lumbar symptoms but it does less for the finger.

As a teenager, my father who worked as a roofing contractor sustained a severe burn from hot tar to his hand, I forget which.  It got treated at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and left him at limited activity for a while, but it healed with no residual disability.  And they didn't have NSAIDS then.  I assume mine will as well.

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