
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Wrist Alarm

Been trying unsuccessfully to restore my previously stable sleep pattern.  Read the pro's popular summaries of sleep hygiene.  Did sleep tracking by a smartphone app for two weeks which really didn't tell me anything I hadn't already figured out.  Watched a show on sleep hygiene, where I learned that there are some Cognitive Behavioral Interventions online and where I also learned that a lot of people who go to a sleep lab find that they get their first full night's sleep there.  That's a similar impression that I've had from the few nights I've spent at a hotel, so the barrier may be schedule.  I do not think it is environment.  My bed is comfortable, pillow maybe could be replaced.  Could use some of the $65 accumulated five dollar bills on that, but definitely not for a My Pillow, even if it is a good product. Comforter is warm, though I've made an effort to keep the bedroom a little cooler than I have before.  I cannot see the red numbers on the alarm clock without a concerted effort, which I rarely make.  And sleep latency is well within population norms.

Habits are another matter that need attention.  I exercise regularly two mornings of three, almost never consume caffeine after noon, except for minor amounts of chocolate, will have some sherry just before supper or a beer with supper, never both and none after supper.  And for the past few days I've not returned to bed at all between arising time and pre-determined sleep time.  Putting aside my screens still needs some work but I can set an evening hour when they shut down.  What the experts say is most important is the anticipatory schedule, which I've now set. Into bed at a fixed time with a half hour off screens before lights out.  My prescriptions, now five tablets taken at supper, are one of those wild cards, with only one recent change that I can try moving to the morning if no progress over the coming week.  And they all say the single best introduction is a fixed awake time with prompt arising no matter how you feel.  My iTouch works well for that.  The past few days the wrist nudge prodded me gently, and I proceeded on immediately to morning dental care.

I think I need to be a better taskmaster on this than I have been.  In the few days that I've implemented this I still awake at the same middle of the night times.  I've followed the advice of getting up after a half hour once.  It destroyed the next day, so I just make do and try to stay beneath my warm comforter for now.  Having done that I'm less tired over the next day, have less struggle with exercise or even with snow shoveling, though my mental acuity needed for some of my semi-annual intended projects could be better.  Always start with the easy stuff. Wrist alarm seems a good introduction.  And there's a scheduled doctor's appointment next month.  Sometimes do-it-yourself is not the best option.

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