
Monday, March 8, 2021

Fluctuating Interests

If you have two dozen priorities you really have no priorities.  My list comes out daily.  Today's tasks number 69, taken largely as offshoots of my semiannual goals.  I cannot even come close to doing them all.  Very few will disappear for a week or more once done.  As a result, I am left deciding what among them I am going to do.  Artwork appears daily, never done.  Tidying kitchen and bedroom were once semi-annual home tasks, replaced by garden development.  New tasks emerge, some out of deadline such as medical license renewal, some out of interest like taking full advantage of my Curiosity Stream subscription.

I find myself less interested in FB.  Many of my FB friends have made themselves scarce or hardly ever interact with me verbally.  I find myself more interested in Twitter, though a little annoyed that one of my favorite posters decided I was not important enough a Jew to offer feedback on his comments.  Even there, I do not access anyone with hundreds of thousands of followers or anyone whose purpose is to provoke.  And pests who Tweet every few minutes around the clock get Unfollowed pretty quickly.

Writing has gotten more difficult, making me wonder how great a priority it was, though it is a stick to it task by which I measure myself.  I want to expand my circles, keeping me more focused on OLLI which meets regularly, and offering to be an Election District 8 Democratic Committeeman.  Interest in medicine and money languishes, though the essentials get done.  I am trying to learn photography skills via a Great Courses purchase, staying focused on the technicalities of using the camera devices and tinkering with the capabilities of my pretty decent point and shoot, but not yet immersed in the second half of the course on framing the different elements that the camera can capture.

I'm a little more inclined to write about me, either as in the morning or my Hakaras HaTov record in the evening.  Yet I cannot do the more sustained novel creation of my fictional template.  Gardening has gotten more serious, with indoor plantings done, container preparation paced appropriately, and as the weather warms a reasonable plan for an outdoors garden that will prove productive without overburdening me. 

My post-retirement life seems a little more focused on me, which has its favorable and unfavorable elements.  My interests tend to wax and wane, though my focus and ability to set priorities has never been better.

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