
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Didn't Miss Out

 Electronics shut down for shabbos and yom tov.  Facebook and Twitter shut down for dates divisible by 4.   These two coincided this week.  Technically I could have checked my email after Havdalah but opted to wait until the next morning for catch up.  Fear of Missing Out, acronym FOMO?  Not for a while.

So what did I miss?  Email, a couple of comments from a good friend on email but not urgent.  Some notifications that somebody sent me messages on FB.  The usual immediately deletable titles.  A few Endocrinology notices that I might get around to reading. But other than the two comments from my friend, nothing addressed exclusively to me.

Twitter had no notifications regarding anything I posted.  There were six messages regarding postings of the few people I still follow.  How the algorithm decides what to isolate for my attention I have no idea.  Looked at all six.  Pursued Zero.

FB had one message directed to me and a couple of Like or similar notifications.  I set the option on Most Recent and scrolled through.  Nearly all relatively predictable comments from relatively predictable sources expressing displeasure with the current President.  While I share the sentiment, it's been repeated enough times from the same sources that harvesting the posts now, or ever for that matter, rather than closer to their appearance could not be classified as deprivation.

I did learn from a comment that an old friend decided to relocate, but did not confirm where.  That might leave me as the only FB stalwart who maintains and Empty Nest, though empty of people, not of stuff.

Setting aside electronics as scheduled remains a good thing to do.

4 Creative Ways to Use FOMO to Drive App Engagement | CleverTap

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