
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dormant Art Supplies

Periodically I have a most inconsistent interest in exercising my right brain.  My Space contains ample options for this with calligraphy kits, a full-service art box, two sets of watercolors of dollar store vintage, drawing pencils, more than enough colored pencils, any number of sketch and watercolor pads, and one of those small books with drawings intended to be colored within the outlines.  Other than amusing myself by following online instructions to draw a pet of some type, these all remain on my desk or next to it, essentially unused.

It is not for lack of intent.  Each day's tasks include Coloring, Drawing, Watercolor.  However, task lists would have no value in the absence of priorities.  These are never a priority. Some might say, that to really fulfill priorities it is necessary to purge the task list of all other, but I must retain some hope that artistic expression will find enough of a niche to move beyond sketching the outline of a kitty from step-by-step internet instructions.  It hasn't yet but it still might.

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