
Monday, January 11, 2021

Morning Routine


While working on a presentation on retirement, I discovered stages known to others who studied them but not to me. There is an initial Time Affluence.  It can become idle, and early on often is, but eventually gets replaced by routines.  These tend to do better if self-directed rather than spontaneous, but either way they form with a life of their own.  Having passed the two year mark, the demarcation point that the studies suggest, my own routines have settled at the beginning of each day, less so at the end, and can remain flexible for the many hours in-between.

Wanting to feel rested amid often disrupted sleep, I set myself on a Sleep Hygiene program that worked well until recent weeks when early awakening has reappeared. The core of any Sleep Hygiene program is a fixed get up time, which I set as 6:30 and adhered to within a half hour, though I am rethinking this as the rest of the day is often better if I postpone this until I am more rested. Partial grooming comes next, the electric toothbrush with manual on shabbos, flossing with a Placker, moisturizing my forehead.  On Monday mornings I also weigh myself.  Once upright, I try to stay upright, usually but not always successfully.  To the kitchen next for coffee and washing a rack of last night's dishes.  I will often take out recycling and retrieve the newspaper to the front door for my wife. Coffee then gets transported to My Space where I look at email, Twitter, and FB, usually in that order, except for the days divisible by 4 which gives me a hiatus from social media.  The tasks outlined the day before get reviewed, with a rough ranking of importance, or at least commitment to doing the ones I really intend to complete. 

Now ready to go.  More often than not, entry comes next. Or right after that second cup of coffee.

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