
Monday, October 3, 2022

Not Knowing What It Means

As a retired physician, clinical medicine, especially diagnosis, still interests me.  Each week I read the NEJM case of the week, sometimes getting it right, always picking up the CME that goes with it.  As an endocrinologist specialist, I've gotten isolated from much of the diagnostics from DNA identification of microorganisms that have replaced traditional cultures to much of the modern imaging.

My cardiologist thought I should have an echocardiogram, which I did.  Patient portals were designed for people like me, but for the first time ever, I struggled to interpret my own results.  My LV is small, all else seems pretty normal.  A web search told me what LV volumes are, but they seem more significant when large rather than small.  I've been familiar with LV dilatation as evidence of heart failure since my student days.  Perhaps the small volume explains why I am among that subset that never fully progresses in endurance despite faithful aerobic exercise.

The ordering doctor should review it with me soon.

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