
Monday, April 20, 2020

Making Corned Beef

Every now and again I go off the deep end.  I wanted to get some curing salt #4 but either did not see a package with a kosher mark or did not want to pay excessively for something used rarely.  As luck would have it, a kitchen store was closing and had Morton's curing salt at half price so I got a package.  There was no instruction on how to use it, as it was white rather than pink.  I inquired with the company and received their curing recipe, which I made a short time later with good success.  The barrier has not been time or spice but the price of kosher brisket.  It apparently sold poorly this Passover with seders largely limited to just a few people, making poultry a better centerpiece than brisket.  Shop-Rite had to clear its briskets, mostly about a pound.  I got the largest of their collection, 1.86 pounds and went about making the dry rub.  It's now curing in a plastic bag to be inverted every morning and evening.  Ready next weekend.

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