
Friday, April 3, 2020

Pesach Next Week

My Bar Mitzvah haftarah, HaGadol, gets recycled this shabbos.  It will be a virtual shabbos, though with other synagogue online participation, I get a more graphic impression of why our Congregation has become a niche product not very attractive to anyone else who might be in quest of our logo: embracing-engaging-enriching.  For me it was none of those things, though the other people on Zoom cyberspace encounters were decent likable people.  What was imparted just seemed dull and pedantic.

But with HaGadol comes Pesach, my favorite Festival.  I've given up on the American Rabbis' platitudes of Freedom but the season of renewal, of hitting the reset button, never loses its validity.  I can prepare what needs to be done, wash a refrigerator or floor that I would make excuse to neglect the rest of the year, plan menus with the enjoyment of others in mind, at one time maybe buy some new clothes in parallel with the Easter traditions, take out an inherited Elijah's cup and my lantzmanschaften kiddush cup awarded to my grandfather when my father was just one year old.  In another era, I would be off from school most of that week.   People gather for Seder and for services and toward the end, for Yizkor.  The most endearing of traditions.  And it's almost upon us.

Passover Gifts - Ceramic Kids Seder Plate

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