
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Not Feeling Groovy

Actually a little sore, maybe even laudable sore calves from attentiveness to my treadmill sessions.  Arms less achy.  Rest of skeleton a little stiff but not painful.  A naproxen pill makes a difference, and maybe I'll take one later.  It does nothing for my mood and disposition, though.  While there are chemicals that can favorably alter that, and I've taken them previously, I came off it for a reason.  I don't plan to resume.

There are some non-pharmacological approaches to ennui, mostly by doing something meaningful or for me being interactive.  Covid has restrained the latter but I have a Zoom session with the Philadelphia Endocrine Society upcoming where I can engage in some chatter.  Meaningful may be more challenging. Access to the spectrum of the world fits in my shirt pocket.  Today's Task List has two columns of worthwhile activities from house upgrades, to preparing my snowblower for its next use, to semi-annual planning to reading what the masters of journalism have presented.  And I have total control of which I select.  While I control how I approach upgrading my current downcast outlook, there is probably something very intrinsic about moods.  But doing something offers a better prospect than doing nothing, so I'll immerse myself in a few worthy activities as the day progresses.

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