
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Packing for My Road Trip

Two days of driving anticipated to get to Mammoth Cave, then two days back.  Nearly all of it is Interstate which connects towns large enough to support Walmarts and Walgreens.  So I'm never really up the creek if I leave home without something that I turn out to need, my Visa card accepted most anywhere.  Yet some level of anxiety of not having what I need when I need it persists.

Clothing is fairly easy, as I'm pretty good at keeping my duds organized. Just go over the bins and drawers in sequence, taking what I think I am likely to need, or even might need amid weather that transitions from fall to winter.  Closets also maintained in a way that I can take a flannel shirt, jeans, sweatshirt and the like as I walk along its length.

Much harder to assess what I will do while away.  At the park I will need a camera.  It is also my opportunity to do some of the things that end up on my daily list, propagated from one day to the next except shabbos, that I never really do.  I could draw since that only requires a pencil.  I could take my coloring book and pencils, something that relaxes me sufficiently and predictably to make me remiss in not assigning time for that at home.  Watercolor too cumbersome.  Think I'll leave my harmonicas home.  Probably ought to take laptop.  What about tripod?  A chance to make a YouTube video.  The park offers license-free fishing.  Would be remiss not to pack a rod and minimal gear.  Have a Torah reading assignment.  Make extra copy and squeeze practice into spare moments.  Also time to outline my next semi-annual projects.  Take the outline.  Wouldn't be without my Samsung Galaxy J7 Star which allows me to hear an audiobook and read an e-book, each in  progress.  And the hotel has an indoor pool.  Should plan to take advantage of that, as well as scheduled treadmill sessions.  And choosing courses for the upcoming OLLI Registration can be done through cyberspace.

Most of this stuff I've been wanting to do but haven't made the commitment to do, or at least puttered along with excuses to do something else like cleaning around the house instead or keeping appointments.  Need to divest that for a week, enjoy scenery as I drive, stop at places I would otherwise have not stopped to rest and look around.  Vacation has gotten overdue, which makes it especially welcome with the likelihood of taking too much stuff with me to anticipate more contingencies than I should.

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