
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Full Whiteboard

Pesach usually presents me with activity. Most is finite with deadlines so it gets done.  Shopping, cleaning, exchanging and washing dishes, Seder, services.  Add Torah reading to the list this year.  That's a full week in its own right.  And my birthday comes during this week which my family likes to acknowledge in some way.  My daughter opted to come for birthday and Seder which is great but with some airport obligations.  And it's been a while since I've scheduled platelet donation.  While I might get turned away again as my Hb hovers at the Blood Bank's cutoff, I still have to get there.  And OLLI sessions, one on-site.  

Taxes done.  Financial record keeping and donations and Medscape next week.  

On Sunday's, to keep my wife and I from asking too much of each other, fixed obligations go on a Whiteboard, which looks mostly full.  I could reschedule the platelet donation, not a lot of flexibility to anything else.  

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