
Wednesday, November 23, 2022


My wife sang in a concert a few days back.  The principal tenor, present for rehearsals, cancelled out just a few days prior to the performance, having developed symptomatic Covid.  A replacement, a very capable one, was recruited on short notice allowing a magnificent performance of Mozart's Requiem to take place.  The church providing the venue overflowed its parking lot and filled nearly all its lower level.

Now a few days later, my wife develops respiratory symptoms and achiness.  Thermometer 101.6F.  Covid PCR +.  In my refrigerator I have a mostly thawed 17 pound Big Bird, $58 worth, but guests have been disinvited.  I now have sniffles myself, but no fever.  Still a colonoscopy looms in six days with my wife as designated driver and me on quarantine.  And air travel in two weeks.

Need to do some phone time.  Donate turkey, or make every effort to do that.  Reschedule endoscopic procedures.  Buy some more home covid tests or maybe have one done at the pharmacy for myself.  Having had a booster, only one, I do not have to self-isolate but do have to mask.  And see what happens to the sniffles.  Then next month, relent and get the next booster

To the best of my memory, I've not missed Thanksgiving before.  One year in medical school I purchased a reheatable kosher TV turkey dinner from Sol & Ely's Kosher butcher in St. Louis.  Even as a physician, since I worked every Christmas, I could anticipate being off for Thanksgiving.  

My own temperature is normal this morning, though I have subtle suggestions of early symptoms.  Just cancel whatever would get me in contact with anyone for the long holiday weekend.  And take advantage of some unanticipated Me Time.

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