
Monday, February 27, 2023


Big Shabbos Dinner.  One guest.  Lots of food.  Lots of dishes.  Wash as you go helped.  Still food two two meals beyond the dinner.  I want to have all fleishig dishes done, then begin accumulating milchig items, which have grown and which are better done by hand than dishwasher for many.  That means dealing with food.  Freezer Bags to the rescue.  Probably enough soup to fill two, both for freezer.  Salad would fill one.  Does not freeze adequately.  Turkey, two meals, one fridge later in week, one freezer for a subsequent shabbos.  Kugel, probably two freezer, one later in week.  Then wash the dishes used to cook them.  Then put all fleishig dishes away and exchange sink to milchig.

All within my capacity by end of day.

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