
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Stir Fry

Tofu always seems like an economical ingredient option.  When I order it out, often as part of Chinese vegetarian cuisine, I always like what they bring me.  Yet when I make it at home, usually as part of an appetizer to a larger meal, my own preparation invariably disappoints.  I think it is like a background that has little culinary value in its own right but gets enhanced or ruined by what come with it.  I bought another box.  On the advice of the Moosewood Cooperative Cookbook, I froze the package.  A day before use I thawed it, then squeezed out as much liquid as advised by pressing between two plates, and later with my hands.  This supposedly alters its native texture to one more grainy, which it did.

Then to make something.  Lots of stir-fry recipes.  Basically cube the tofu, add some form of marinade ingredients, typically soy sauce or variant, with some seasonings.  I used tamari, some good salad dressing, and some Mexican blend of spices.  Sauté the tofu, set aside.  I had lots of veggies to use up.  Celery, scallions, baby carrots, half a broccoli crown.  My last onion had spoiled by I still had a red onion in reserve.  And some past-prime mushrooms that would otherwise go to waste.  Some garlic from the jar.

All sauteed in stages, with the carrots and broccoli parboiled first.  Then return the tofu, now a bit too crumbly to be served that way at a restaurant, and cover with some more of the marinade.  Heat for five minutes.

Well, it used stuff up.  It was edible, main course last night, leftovers as a side in a day or so.  My respect for Moosewood & Squirrel aside, perhaps the next experiment with tofu should be making it straight from the package, squeezing the water from a fresh cake of tofu, then preparing it.  Likely to be a lot less crumbly that way.  And the marinade would probably go better if I made it from a tested recipe.

My twelve Semi-Annual Projects include enhancing my proficiency in the kitchen, as well as my enjoyment of my time there.  This dinner, with all its many dishes to wash the next day, contributed to that, even if the dinner results themselves could have been better.

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