
Friday, August 6, 2021


Been resupplying my liquids of late.  Having divested myself of the evil soda some months ago, now limited to occasional 7-Eleven style indulgences but never from the supermarket in 2 liter PET bottles, I still need hydration.  A few staples have replaced this, water not directly among them though all are really water dominated.

Coffee has its ration, mostly two cups a day, sometimes three in a morning.  Bulk K-cups have and advantage over 12 pod packages in price.  Christmas Tree Shop offers best compromise between selection and price, though Costco offerings are better quality, now that I am a member again.  I keep one can of standard ground coffee around.  Last sale was Maxwell House, mostly phooey, though endeared as a brand for their Haggadah sponsorship.  Lavazza went on sale.  Too finely ground for French Press but ideal for Melita cone drip.  And I still have bean coffee in the pantry.  I took my burr grinder to the basement for Pesach, never returned it, though I do not see any advantages to self-grinding at this point.  I particularly like Sprouts beans which I grind in the store for drip/French press interface, though only when on sale.  Good but too pricey.

Carbonation comes from variants of club soda in one liter bottles.  Often on sale at Shop-Rite but mostly Trader Joe's offers stable price.  These are calorie free, mostly with just the right subtlety of flavor.  I thought I would mix it more with other things, particularly plain club soda with alcohol spiking, but I have not.  I really want mostly the fizz but without the sweetness and chemical adulteration of mass market soda.

Alcohol gets its own category.  To some extent this has been a soda replacement, though limited to one serving either at 4PM while I work on something else in My Space or with supper.  I have been keeping on hand 1500 ml bottles of port and sherry, the large company commercial varieties, generally apportioned in a wine glass.  Some beer is usually at hand.  For some reason the price of beer has accelerated to where craft beer now exceeds my willingness to spend that much for it at Total Whine.  I've given up the growlers altogether.  There are good mid-sized breweries that keep within budget, particularly Moosehead & Squirrel and some of the European or Mexican brews.  Big mass American options are more for getting buzzed than enjoying their beverage merits, so other than occasional Yuengling I've not bought any.  Never been one for spirits.  When tonic water goes on sale I will get a bottle and mix it with two quarter cup measures fizz and one of gin.  Did vodka once, again more notable for buzz than taste.  Colored spirits are a rarity, though I have some on my shelf.  Usually as hot toddies, one quarter cup spirits, two of boiling water with a shake of sugar.  For cold days and typically after supper.  But never more than one serving in any day.

Interestingly, wine is not a regular beverage but needed for Kiddush and a beverage for special dinners, never a thirst quencher or something to keep on hand.  Unlike port and sherry, it has a more limited drinkable longevity so it's not really kept on hand but targeted for specific occasions.

I also accumulated a large collection of Celestial Teas herbal varieties.  For a while I would have these after my coffee ration or later in the day when too late for caffeinated liquids.  Not since the warm weather, though.  

So the all artificial everything can give way to liquids of better value and better sensory experience.  Doubt I will ever resume soda beyond Passover certified Coca-Cola.

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