
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Seasonal Clothing

Global warming seems very real, with summers lasting longer and winters less bone-chilling.  We still have season's though, at least where I live, those transitions somehow overlooked in the story of The Creation.  And I have far more clothing than I wear, irrespective of which season.  Yet twice a year I move short sleeves and short pants to and from storage, overlooking the chance to donate what I have not worn.  Still I hold out hope of maybe a week or so in a place that's warm when my environs are cold, though not fulfilled that way for many years.  T-shirts move from their bin to a big plastic bag, with long-sleeved T-and knit turtlenecks replacing them.  Short sleeve polo shirts get prime space in my closet, to be exchanged for long sleeve polos in the same canvas shelving.  Flannel pajamas return to a drawer, short legged pajamas go to storage.  Short pants winter in a duffle, sweaters replace them in a designated cabinet drawer.

It should not take more than one outing to do this but I pace myself, one bin or clothing type at a time.  Eventually the exchange takes place roughly in parallel with the gradual transition of season.  Flannels, jeans, maybe sweatshirt or sweater, supplemented by weather appropriate outerwear become the norm.  More opportunities to consider appearing stylish, even if no particular place to go.

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