
Friday, December 2, 2022


Confluence of a lot of things in a short time.  Shabbos at sundown.  Wife's birthday tomorrow, so prepare special dinner today, which takes planning.  It's a treadmill day after my monthly three day respite.  OLLI.  Short window for getting kids' holiday gifts to Pittsburgh before they leave for Japan and to San Francisco before we leave for Florida.  All the wrapping done.  The essentials of dinner under way, though I will need to make sink and its tub fleishig as soon as the milchig dishes dry.  There are a lot of fleishig dishes with more to come right after shabbos concludes tomorrow.  Birthday card signed and post-dated.  I thought I might need to make a quick stop at TJ, but found enough bread to get us by a few days until we leave town.  All Florida reservations made, visits with cousin and my friend not yet complete.  Then I recite Kaddish for my father tomorrow at shul with yahrtzeit candle the following Sunday night.  Donation sent.  My Pennsylvania medical licensing requirements for renewal seem complete. Fill out forms before I head off, see how much they want for a renewal, then decide my willingness to pay, which is very little.  And then follow weather reports for Fort Lauderdale and make packing decisions.  And then, with a little luck and minimal loose ends, some vacation.

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