
Monday, July 4, 2022

Another Glorious Fourth

Our newspaper opted not to print on the Federal holiday.  Not enough print readers.  Not enough money to pay enough staff to make it happen.  Don't know what stores are open this Fourth of July.  WaWa has begun its Hoagiefest.  Pharmacies usually open.  Department stores vary but no interest to going to any.  Parks often have their big day.  And Torah gets read in places that can assemble a minyan on Monday morning.  There are fireworks in some places, though fewer as pyrotechnic safety experts have participated in the Great Resignation.  And wife sings in a concert this afternoon, my only really desired destination for this holiday.

Fourth of July has always been a demarcation point ever since I entered the medical world.  Promotions from one stage of student or resident traditionally commenced on July 1, though for the last twenty or so years the transition really occurs about ten days earlier.  For many, the holiday is a day on call, the first of many days they will work when everyone else seems off.  For me it is a more generic time landmark, conclusion of my last set of six-month initiatives with a few days to get acclimated to the next set.

And it's been a good start.  Three of my projects require making my house more habitable, two directly, one indirectly.  And I've been doing that.  This being the first Monday, I get my baseline anthropological measurements, as I have substituted weight, waist, and BP targets for the treadmill intensities I pursued last time.  One project has already failed.  The Anniversary gift I wanted to spend money on exceeds by far the amount I had intended to spend.  There will still be a gift, just one of better enduring value.  

I've not undertaken them mental challenges yet.  They await, though not for very long.

Happy Birthday America.

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