
Friday, July 8, 2022

Democratic Endorsements

Having been booted from one representative district to another by the need for our state legislature to create districts of reasonably uniform population, I still retained my committee position in the new district.  We met via Zoom with other districts to hear from those holding statewide office who desire the party's endorsement.  Only one incumbent personally present, a very sincere State Treasurer who has done some useful things.  Our Congresswoman and our AG were represented by their campaign managers.  It would have been better to have a Chief of Staff present instead.  Our Auditor, recently convicted of some not entirely petty misconduct, though not a felony that would have made her ineligible to hold office, stayed away, but her primary opponent made a compelling case for why she would be a better replacement.  I agree with her, as the 10th district unanimously offered our endorsement.

My newly assigned district seems more like me.  The housing patterns bring us people dominated by Smart America, those university educated professionals that make the world sparkle.  We live in attractive neighborhoods which we keep free of litter.  We desire good schools.  We desire honesty.  Don't know how many have defected from their childhood religion or retained it.  We express ourselves in writing or by personal protest, but looting flat screen TVs from K-Mart is not part of our protest protocol.  Yet we are highly sympathetic to Just America's causes, though repelled by its tactics.  Our Treasurer expressed it well.  People who don't yet have pensions would benefit from having one.  Create one for them.  And she did.  Don't begrudge state employees benefits similar to private employees.  It expands Smart America.

AGs rep took a similar approach.  Harsh on predators who shoot us, steal from us, or who profit from drug supplying whether street people or corporate conglomerates.  Easy on the petty offenders who don't pose a public danger.

The congresswoman's manager had a bit more of a Progressive agenda than the Congresswoman herself seems to convey.  I think she is also fundamentally part of Smart America, one who knows the hot button issues, is aware of the damage recent federal directions will create, but really only offers making a statement with the illusion of making a difference.  The difference will need to be made by voters elsewhere. 

Good Meeting.  I'm part of Smart America and now more fully immersed among similar minds.

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