
Friday, July 17, 2020

Missed Surprisingly Little

Pin on Facebook QuotesOn the day divisible by 4 and on shabbos and yontiff I've excluded myself from Facebook and Twitter which connect me to ideas but at the expense of distracting me from other things I could be  doing instead.  Now about halfway through the first month of this restriction.  Initially I watched the clock to return, particularly if there's a note in email that somebody responded to a comment but the allure has worn off.  As I return the last two times, I missed mostly nothing, maybe a birthday or an anniversary.  I did not miss any ideas that could not be recaptured or any chance to reconnect with an old friend who had escaped previous attempts at reconnecting.  A big nothing.

The more compelling analysis might be what I did instead.  Admittedly less than I should, and what I did was less expertly done than I would like, but an assignment for writing, housework, gardening, or cooking was pursued in some way and not interrupted to check the newest FB posts.  I've been accessing my paid subscription to The Atlantic more on the social media days off.  These articles are often complex thoughts by very good writers that are better understood with undivided attention.  The Forward may be harder to assess since their articles come across my news feed where they are likely to be noticed.  I have the option of responding either there or on The Forward website, roughly equal in responses and replies.

I have not set KevinMD as social media avoidance.  These are more literary with response, not designed as interactive like FB or Twitter, and moderated in a way that keeps the loons or trolls from detracting from a discussion or pitching their political hardballs.

For now, the day divisible by 4 avoidance seems a positive initiative.

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