
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Post-Platelet Crash

My state had its Presidential primary yesterday.  I thought it was just the primary and there is a state senatorial candidate I wanted to vote for so I schlepped a few miles just after polls opened, already a line to stand on with Covid-19 mandated spacing that made that line look longer than it really was, and waited my turn.  To my disappointment, only the Presidential candidates were on the ballot.  No uncertainty over who will prevail in each party, so I could have just stayed home and not have to rush to keep my Blood Bank of Delmarva appointment.

I arrived with more than ample time, hung out at the Home Depot lot, surfing the web on my cell phone a while, then headed over to the Blood Bank.  They changed their eligibility a bit.  Potentially infectious behavior exclusions have been reduced from 12 to 3 months, a very recent amendment that will make more people eligible, particularly those with body piercings.  Basically an uneventful session, one that needed a repeat finger Hemoglobin to assure adequacy.  I set the TV for Dirty Jobs, including a session on making scrapple at a factory in my home state.  No unusual soreness as the transfer of blood from my left arm to the pheresis separator to my right arm took place over 90 or so minutes, or about 1.5 shows.  On removal of the needles, though, I found both elbows frozen, unable to flex either for a couple of minutes with less effect at the right wrist.  Onward to the snack station where I just got coffee and their complimentary promotion of flip-flops.  Gray, entirely plastic, probably too flimsy for beach but ok for pool.  Very unobtrusive Blood Bank of Delmarva printed at each heel.

Typically, if I complete the session before noon, I drive someplace other than home, but with Covid-19 restrictions there's really no place to go.  I could have had my glasses adjusted, maybe even purchase the new prescription at the nearby Costco's.  No interest in the regional mall.  Had just been to Cabela's.  Don't want to go all the way to Lancaster, a common post-donation detour, to find nothing open.  Home being the best option, I returned non-stop.

I did not expect the physical crash that followed.  Normally I omit the treadmill on platelet days, but I could not have done it even if I wanted to.  Too sore for housework, even finishing the dishes I had started before heading off.  Mind not in gear for anything mentally taxing.  Already had my quota of coffee.  Just an off-afternoon with no serious redemption.  I did not feel sore enough for naproxen.  I was not sleep deprived.  Just a day to stare into space, read the Forward, grapple with tying a fluorocarbon leader to a fishing line which still did not succeed.  I did not feel depressed, just achy and unmotivated, and unfocused.  

I still have things I want to do, so a second go round today, off to a better start.

no motivation here - Motivational Meme | Make a Meme

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