
Monday, July 26, 2021

Committing to EZ Pass

While planning my first of what I hope will be many drives to Pittsburgh, I was taken aback by the usurious toll fees for the Pennsylvania Turnpike, an estimated $60.  On questioning a couple of friends who make the trip with regularity, neither could confirm that since they have EZ Pass.  If their tolls are indeed that, it goes under their radar as they have autofill.  Checking the fees on the web, and getting a somewhat higher but convenient bill than I might have anticipated from a plate photo generated bill from the Northeast Extension, there is a very steep discount for easy pass, one that pretty much pays for the upfront fees needed to start EZ Pass membership.  Worth it just for the round trip to Pittsburgh.

I do surprisingly little toll driving.  Occasionally I will go to NY with NJ turnpike tolls and bridge tolls, to Baltimore, or southern Delaware which has nominal  tolls.  And some states only discount if the EZ Pass was issued in their state.  It may be better to get EZ Pass from Pennsylvania.  There is a 48 h waiting period and a phone number to call so I'll try to get that under way.  Since I am making the trip soon, the speed of setup matters.  The most expeditious may be to go to DE EZ Pass on I-95, pay a convenience surcharge and be ready to go or perhaps go to Wegmans over the state line which serves as an agent for Pennsylvania EZ Pass to see what theirs entails.  But soon, either way.

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