
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Moo Truck


University of Delaware has an agricultural division, which I visited shortly before OLLI went virtual.  The state derives a fair amount of its GDP from agriculture, primarily poultry but as you drive to the southern counties there is also farmland growing assorted vegetables on a commercial scale.  The pride and joy of the University's agricultural division has been its creamery which produces and sells ice cream.  My tour of the facility showed it to be more part of an educational mission than a commercial one.  We watched them make the product using parts of the curriculum from the academic courses and market the product using curriculum from the business courses.  Free sample as part of the tour but there are several fixed sites and a mobile van known as the Moo Truck where the ice cream can be purchased.  

OLLI being a division of the University, the truck comes to the OLLI campus periodically during the school year.  I found the prices exceed what I was willing to pay so never bought any but as a promotion for the return of OLLI to live learning, the Moo Truck will be coming again, this time with cups of unique ice cream courtesy of the University.

They had an event last week with ice cream as a perk to get people to submit their Covid vaccination cards into the University Health System database, a requirement for attending classes live when they resume in the fall.  It did not go well.  So this week, it's just the truck.  I could use some great ice cream and a lot of overdue hellos.

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