
Friday, July 23, 2021

Rejoining Costco

My bifocals having been washed out to sea, I needed a replacement.  Costco Optical has remained independent of that Italian eyeglasses cartel, so I've made my purchases of bifocals there for some time.  Even with the $60 membership fee, the price falls below what the cartel affiliates ask and the quality has been more than acceptable.  As soon as they opened, I headed over, picked frames, submitted the prescription, and rejoined Costco after roughly a two year lapse.  You need not be a member to buy liquor or get a soda from the snack bar, so I've done that in the interim, but otherwise window shopping.

Once my new eyeglasses had been paid for, I toured the store with my renewed membership.  As a generally prosperous empty nester I already have too much stuff.  Eating selectively and in a limited way has brought me to weight goal for the first time in several years.  So despite the enormity of what I could now purchase, I really don't need anything other than replaced bifocals.  Might my membership at Costco create want?  As I toured the food section, indeed I saw the things I used to get.  Lox at a relative discount but still more than making my own gravlax.  Big salmon fillets so I can make my own gravlax.  They didn't have Beyond Burgers last time I held a Costco card.  They make quick good suppers so if the price is right I could get some.  Didn't see other destination purchases:  herring, whitefish salad, kosher certified tiramisu, or big Hebrew National salamis.  Not even those packaged kosher dinners that just need warming for a shabbos dinner too tedious to make myself.  Nor do I care to regain my previous weight with the alluring big bag of kettle chips or other munchies in bulk.  But next time I need coffee pods, theirs are the best buy.

Clothing can be a good deal.  Maybe replace my cargo pants that tore.  Didn't tour the appliance options, office supplies, electronics, bedding, or those oodles of better things for better living.  I live OK now.

When I pick up the glasses, I'll get a cart perhaps and fill it with mostly food of desire.

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