
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Helping the Democrats

As a new Election District representative, I find myself getting some combination of acclimated and socialized.  We had our monthly meeting, attended by two state senators, both rather professional, and our state representative who has shown himself dedicated, honorable, and more productive than I would have expected.  Our regional chairwoman has remained welcoming and organized.  A few subcommittees have been tasked and seem to perform well.

On a more expansive scale, I attended a six session course called Best Practices Initiative, the Democratic National Committee training program for its volunteers and maybe some paid staff too.  Very informative, though with all the intricacy created nationally the electoral results seem to lag behind.  I learned about organizing, fundraising, social media platforms, making alliances, recruiting, and correcting missteps.  All have applicability far beyond any political constraints.  And at least at the state level, the message has been promoting us, not undermining the opposition.  This may be why I drifted in their direction from the center.

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