
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Improved Disposition

After dragging a bit, the past few days I've felt inexplicably well.  My daily pattern seems more stable from the awakening of the wrist alarm to a reasonably predictable treadmill time, to that glass of sherry in late afternoon, pills at 7PM, some TV, and finally bedtime with it's ongoing overnight awakening.  I don't feel nearly as tired.  Nor do I feel driven to do specific tasks but I still get more than average done.  What I would think of as recreation, fishing, drawing, day trips and the like haven't happened but I don't miss them.  Social media has come under the control of a daily spin of Virtual Roulette, settling into the statistical average of about half the time allowed.  Yet even when I am ON, I have much less emotional attachment to FB and don't sign into Twitter at all.  I don't feel either driven, nor do I feel guilty for activity shortfalls, yet I've been productive in a gratifying way.  Nuisance aches have not progressed beyond nuisance.  Completion of a set time and intensity on the treadmill takes effort but offers satisfaction at the conclusion, as well as perhaps some well-being that reflects the regularity of age-appropriate exercise extended over more than a year.

My mood has improved, likely attributable to resuming a citalopram tablet each evening.  I'm less frazzled though still remain resolute when I should be.  And perhaps I'm friendlier and more personable, almost like Peter Kramer's description of treated patients in his Listening to Prozac, now thirty years after publication.  

As I focus more on what I might prioritize for the second half of this calendar year, I have no recollection of past moods during planning months and how they might have affected choices.  This time I seem to be pretty mellow.

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