
Friday, June 25, 2021

Sitting on the Park Bench

This spring I've introduced myself to some of the local parks, Talley Day and Bonsall run by the County and Alapocas run by the State.  The are mostly similar with open spaces, picnic tables, playgrounds with modern reasonably safe climbing and swinging options, and benches to sit on conveniently placed by the County, not as convenient by the State.  Each has some uniqueness with Talley Day's dog exercise areas, a small horticultural tour at Alapocas, and a walking or jogging track at Bonsall.  I've practiced photography skills at all three but mostly seek out one of the benches to sit and watch, usually the kids on the playground but occasionally the dogs doing horseplay with each other, or at Bonsall a modest walk to a more remote bench near a usually empty soccer field.  

It has become my down time.  I bring my smart phone but often do not use it.  Occasionally I prepare a thermal mug of coffee, usually bring my camera in a leather pouch attached to my belt, and during planning I brought a worksheet and pen.  But mostly I sit quietly on the bench I have selected where I let my mind wander wherever it wants to go while I breathe air that has not first been cycled through a condenser.  Quiet time with either no distractions or distractions of my own making.

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