
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Art Supplies

My dedication has come to a test.  For years, I have had watercoloring on my Daily Task List but never did it, along with several other recreation initiatives that I never did.  I have ample tins of watercolor paint at about a dollar per tin from back to school sales.  Each comes with a brush. Bought a small pad of watercolor paper once, placed safely to the left of the desk in My Space.  But I never, or almost never, used them. 

To prod me along, and to expand my horizons, I enrolled in a beginning watercolor class at OLLI.  Five weeks in the Art Studio, further invigorated by a brisk walk through the coldest month of the year to get there from the main building.  They sent me a list of needed supplies.  Not one of those back to school tins and the brush that comes with it.  Costly paper, tubes of paint, synthetic sable brushes in three sizes, and a couple of items that I don't quite know what they are for.  Almost like taking swimming lessons from somebody serious about it when what you really want to do is splash around in the water and make ripples.

My FB advisors, all women, unanimously recommend that I spend the money and learn to paint properly.  Money is not nearly as much of an object as willingness to spend it that way, but that's what the sages of the Right Brain recommend.  And I can use a Right Brain adventure.


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