
Monday, February 7, 2022

Clogged Coffee Maker

My Keurig machine has gotten more temperamental.  I gave it an acid wash, confirmed full flow, then did two standard K-cups without incident.  But when I put more finely ground Lavazza good coffee into the plastic generic k-cup, it clogged again.  Only half the cup filled. with a puddle of coffee around the orange plastic cup when I removed it.  Most likely one of the pins malfunctioned with the finer grind.  I've cleaned them before with safety pins, much easier to do with the lower removable part than the sharp source that penetrates the K-cup from above.  I assume the problem is the lower holllow needle, as the upper pin never pierces the plastic cup, though it is still the source of its inflow and could clog as particles of coffee grounds float around it.  The lower pin receives the coffee water slurry and is more likely to clog if the size of the coffee particle is smaller than the pore that allows the water into the needle.  Give it another go at cleaning.  Lavazza now limited to Mellita cone.

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