
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Preparing for Vacation

Being retired, it's sometimes difficult to recognize parcels of time as vacation.  I have my routines which have helped enormously to define how I approach each day.  Sometimes, though, a selective escape resets the days every bit as much as allotted vacation time did in my working years.  That respite approaches in the coming week.  OLLI classes go dormant for a week.  My monthly Medscape submission's deadline comes that week, but I will send the article to the editor a few days in advance of my week off.  Some light travel, tourism, and pampering has been scheduled, some of it prepaid.  Taxes prepared before vacation begins, though it can be submitted to the IRS the week after.  Purim completed.  Wife's concert and last synagogue obligation at the beginning weekend, then a full work week to focus on recreation.

Travel only entails two hotel nights and about a two hour drive.  EZ Pass reduces road frustration.  Gasoline has gotten expensive but down from its peak.  Seasonal clothing in transition so maybe better to pack the day before departure when the weather at our destination gets forecast.  In any case, laundry up to date, or will be by departure.

What might I most like to do when there really aren't any have to do's?  Putter around new city, take a Metro, maybe design menus and invite guests for Passover.  Some return to my Adult Coloring Book usually offers relaxation.  Maybe an afternoon or two of fishing.  Caught up on my reading, mostly.  Don't expect to read much.  Not caught up on writing, but vacation may not be the best time for my most challenging personal initiative which more approximates work.  Seasonal gardening can begin.  Haven't listened to music in a long time.  Largely weaned myself off TV, returning would undermine the concept of vacation.  I already get enough sleep.  Treadmill's monthly three-day recovery hiatus coincides with travel dates so don't need to go to hotel's exercise room.  Avoided one with swimming pool to save money; won't miss that usual hotel amenity this time.

Some time be a little different.

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