
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Creative Ventures

Each day my Daily Task List has entries for:

  1. Harmonica
  2. Fishing Knots
  3. Coloring
  4. Drawing
  5. Watercolor
The harmonica lies to my right on my desk, coloring pencils and a new painting kit received for Hanukkah in the living room, watercolor supplies from my last OLLI course in a box on the floor of My Space, clear nylon fishing line and some soda straw segments for nail knots on my desk, drawing pencils in my line of sight on my desk.  Rarely I will teach myself to draw an animal guided by instructions accessed on the WWW.  My desk also has oil pastels and a calligraphy kit, both within my line of sight, neither used.  I should put a couple of fishing hooks nearby, as tying a hook or lure to a line is something worth acquiring proficiency.

All recreational.  All mostly enjoyable when I do them.  What I seem to lack is the intrinsic motivation not so much to engage in the activities as much as to exert the effort to enhance my skill with any of them.  A few moments of pleasure awaits.  The dedication to growth through these elements of recreation just hasn't been there.  So I do something else, also with an element of pleasure while engaged but with some satisfaction that accompanies advancing skill.

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