
Monday, March 13, 2023

Two Half-Nights

It doesn't take very long to adapt to Daylight Savings Time, now in its second day.  Much like traveling to a different time zone.  Sleep times are affected first, though not for many nights.

My Sleep Tracker has helped improve my rest, for all its inaccuracies.  Some things it just doesn't seem designed to do, particularly measuring my middle of the night insomnia, those wakeful times, and it doesn't always measure sleep latency, or time from entering bed to falling asleep in the best way either.

Trying to adapt to DST, I followed the clock, which had not yet become my biological reset, entering bed at the desired time, probably falling asleep in a reasonable time, though not the seven minutes on the tracker.  I awoke five hours later, fully awake, engaging in some timed maneuvers with my smartwatch to return to real sleep.  I must have about an hour later, then awakening spontaneously, though not entirely refreshed at a reasonably desirable clock time, which by then was probably also my biological time.  I thought I would stay in semi-sleep until the tracker which has an algorithm for sounding within a band of preset time, signaled me to get up.  WRTI radio set by my wife got there first.  My first inclination, wait another fifteen minutes for their Souzalarm, which is a rousing march of some type aired at 7:15, which is also the end point of my tracker algorithm, but I just told the tracker to end the night's recording, look at its overnight statistics, and go on to dental hygiene followed by weekly weigh-in and coffee.

While the tracker offered its measurements, my internal assessment is that I really had two half-nights of sleep, each pretty decent.  First portion, falling asleep to awakening five hours later, second portion resuming true sleep probably an hour or so later and waking spontaneously close to a customary wake time.  Each seemed adequate when combined, neither adequate by itself.  And I don't really have a good sense of what transpired in each session except for maybe a fragment of a dream in the second half.

The purpose of sleep is to enable the next day.  Off to an OK start.

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