
Friday, March 3, 2023

Self-Help Audios

My semiannual reading quota requires an audiobook and a non-fiction book.  In the past TED Talks have prompted me to the speaker's book, which it did this time as well.  From public library's Hoopla Service Get It Done by a native Israeli Kibbutznik, now professor at U Chicago Business school who does studies on goal setting and completion.  Roughly ten hours of listening, now about half through.  Fortunately read by a paid reader who seems a native speaker of American English.  Includes a lot of studies to affirm her recommendations.

The other book, also audio, is about half that length.  Prompted by a talk by the author sponsored by a synagogue that I occasionally visit.  While directed at women, her work One Bold Move a Day also examines goal setting, completion, and the assertiveness it sometimes takes to have accomplishments that exceed original expectations.  It seems to be read by the author whose vocal manner can seem soporific but with pacing I manage to stay awake.

Now a third of the way through this half-year of pursing initiatives allocated to a half-year, my progress on some things good, on most things less than I had hoped, my commitments less than when I compiled the list and settled on the projects.  If I do less than original aspirations, I should at least understand why the shortfalls occurred, and maybe have less underperformance.

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