
Monday, January 3, 2022

Changing the Measurement

For a while now, I have been tracking my weight and waist measurements as surrogates of health, achieving progress about a year ago when I altered what I permitted in the grocery cart, then leveling off at the new level.  My weekly list of health related initiatives has become far more comprehensive.

  1. Treadmill two days of three
  2. Weight measurement weekly
  3. Waist measurement weekly
  4. Blood Pressure tracking
  5. Stretch Daily
  6. Upright during waking hours
  7. Sleep Hygiene standards daily
  8. Take medicines each evening
  9. Omit snacks 8PM to 6AM daily

Health and functionality have an overriding importance, one that either enables or undermines all other activities.  As I pass the age of mandatory Social Security payments, stable health has been my good fortune though the arc of advancing years has imposed its presence.  With the New Year, I have shifted my measurement of progress from the scale and tape measure to the settings on the treadmill and the timer.  The first session went well.  An additional two minutes was added to my program, same speed, same cooldown, same tune to hum to pre-occupy me so I don't stare at the timer, which also took a new format. This being the first weight/waist day of the calendar year, there was a slight uptick just beyond the random variability of my scale and tape measure.  Took medicine.  Omitted munchies.  Payed attention to sleep.  BP, stretch, and upright all need more focus.

Not a bad start.

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