
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Inspired, or Not

Two events on the University of Delaware main campus uplifted me far beyond the two $7 parking fees.  I received an invitation to an awards luncheon from their communications division.  For the first time in a while, I mingled, interacted, generated my own ideas, and tapped into the expertise of experts.  Then their Biden Institute, run by the President's sister, sponsored a presentation by Van Jones, most known as CNN personality who accomplished many things by pursuing a perspective different than the one to which I was scripted.  My own FB friends with the protection of distance and delayed response pummeled me for finding merit in groups on their scorn list.  If you only need to find one redeeming feature of an opponent, Van's standard, you will find it easily.  And he did.  When I take that approach, I do to.  So did King David, when he shared his success with Achitophel, who was really something of a dweeb.  He only taught the future king two things, but that was enough for favorable recognition.  And Pirke Avot doesn't even say what those two things were.  Really, in some ways an Omer message, as Rabbi Akiva's students were traditionally decimated for withholding respect.  While on campus, I felt more fully alive.  Not just the two outstanding programs, but also negotiating new experiences, finding my way, exploring some buildings, scenery, and assessing how campuses and generations function differently now. 

So, as I grapple with Languishing, there are some very good alternatives.  They are well within my capacity too.  

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