
Friday, May 13, 2022

Some Medical Care

Home has some hazards, more for exploring toddlers, but a few for seniors.  I've not fully healed the dorsum of my forearm which for an instant scraped a glowing oven coil  Minor nicks with kitchen knives or food processor blades are part of the adventure of making a substantial dinner.  Clutter invites falls, none causing me to seek medical care.  But a mishap with the kitchen step stool will.  I managed to put away the pan, inserting its ring into the uppermost hook, something a vertically challenged person like myself cannot do without a minor climb.  The descent did not go well, perhaps catching my foot on the lower step.  Atumbling I went, slightly stunned but not obviously injured until about a half hour later when my right ankle felt like the left one did when I fractured it not quite thirty years ago.  I could still walk on it.

Some home remedy time, naproxen, icy hot.  Minor effect.  By later in the day, I could no longer bear weight on it alone.  I could still walk.  End of the day, shoes off, to do a more formal exam.  No discoloration but some swelling.  Have no idea what the various ligaments and tarsal bones are but there was point tenderness medially.  Eversion hurt more than inversion, dorsiflexion more than plantarflexion.  Definitely a treadmill hiatus to follow.  Tossed around the idea of medical care but doubt bone fracture.  Real soft tissue injury though.  There are probably some orthopods who can figure out which ligaments have been traumatized via exam, though they are ultimately dependent on imaging.  I'm not ready for an MRI.  However, screening for fracture with an X-ray seems prudent.  

Give my doctor a call when the office opens.  Leave her the option whether to screen this herself or do the more expedient urgent care.  But medical attention seems the prudent way to go.

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