
Friday, June 17, 2022

BP Abruptly Elevated

As I go to Review of Systems positive, really not at my best self-assessed well-being but with a doctor's appointment looming, my Blood Pressure has taken a sudden surge upwards.  The first time I assumed it was from missing the medicine the day before, but I've had other omissions with a barely noticeable effect.  Not so with the next two that seem to be setting my BP at a new level despite full compliance.  In anticipation of the doctor's visit, they sent me a lab slip which I will fulfill shortly.  

There are other clues.  I'm achy.  My mood and focus have reversed, which I attribute to my own decision to stop a longstanding SSRI.  I seem to need less sleep.  An ankle injury has only partially recovered but I tolerate the treadmill when my legs can maintain the effort.  While off the treadmill, my legs which I expected to be stronger, ache quite a bit.  And the blood bank turned me down.  

Just have to see what the lab says and then the doctor assesses.

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