
Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Minyan for Friendship

As much as my synagogue experience leaves me seeking more fulfilling experiences, there are a few valid reasons for restraint on absolute avoidance.  While the intersection of Hebrew School and Rabbinical Junior College is where the Rabbi and lay leadership seem most comfortable, a more stimulating, if not more interactive version of Judaism hovers in cyberspace for my taking.  And I take some of it.  Worship doesn't attract me.  Some of the cultural norms do.  Most importantly, though, is support of friendships.  Not exactly the people I share meals with, not frequently people I share ideas with, either.  But people who have made commitments to their family for which I can help create the minyan they need.  The Gabbaim probably have their invitations rejected more than I realize.  Decent people.  I'll default to helping them out unless I have a specific reason not to.  The synagogue has not been very inviting a place for me but it is for them.  A few hours allotted for their benefit should not be withheld.

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