
Monday, June 13, 2022

Sorting My Space

This time I'm going to do it.  Pick a region.  Sort like with like.  Not nearly as easy as it sounds.  I have pens everywhere, pencils everywhere, markers in multiple locations, a bag of crayons.  And that's just stuff to mark paper.  Then there's the paper that can be marked.  Plenty of containers, some quite useful when I get around to finding homes for like with like.  Three-ring binders galore.  3x5 cards.  4x6 cards.  Some rulers that already have a home.  Some tools that are better put with other tools in the basement.  Go region by region.  Time each session.  I can do a lot in about eighteen minutes as long as I only have to do it once.  My assistants:  the Delaware Solid Waste Authority, Waste Management Inc.  Maybe later 1800-Junk too.  Like with like.  Minimize sentimentality.  When done, b'ezrat haShem, at the end of the calendar year, a significant self-reward.

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